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Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

It’s been almost a month in Cardiff, Wales. Since day one, I am impressed the way they, Welsh, live and the way they give respect. My experience is much better than what I was expecting before coming to United Kingdom.

I remember in India we say “ATITHI DEVO BHAVAH—Guest is God”, I have no idea if they say something similar in Wales but I can feel those words. People are friendly, helpful, and responsible in nature.

Things which I saw here: They greet driver while getting in and out from bus, they greet shopkeepers while getting in and out from shop, they greet/smile in office do matter if they know you or not. That impressed me a lot. Story doesn’t end here, they obey traffic rules even at midnight, they allow pedestrian to cross the road first if no traffic signal is there; they keep their city neat and clean.

Before coming here I was bit worried as this was my first foreign trip, but after knowing Cardiff, I feel as if I am in my own country. I would like to thank Cardiff, Wales, and United Kingdom for giving respect and caring.

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