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Life isn’t so fair always

Life isn’t so fair always. I have been asking to myself if life gave me everything what I want or at least what I deserve and I always get same answer, life gave me a little of what I want but not when I want, life gave me a little of what I deserve but not when I deserve. I have no answer to the question “Why life does so?” and I know no one has.

Everyone has issues with life, some have issue with career as they work hard but life just gives peanuts in return, some have issue with love life as no matter how much they love or care but love will always gives pain in return.

Some say “Live life as it comes”, some say “Life has nothing to do with what you have; it is your actions which help life to decide what you should have and what you shouldn’t have”, some say “Everything is written before birth we just have to live and wait for the next surprise”, and some say “We can change our life and whatever written by our actions as action do speak”. I am confused who is saying correct and who is not. I believe it our actions which decide how our life should be.

Life is full of surprises and a lot of experience, some are bitter, and some are sweet. We tend to forget bitter ones as time passes and we remember sweet ones calling “Memories” as we grow. Whether life is good or bad is judge by how much sweet experience you have as compare to bitter one. One who has sweet experiences more than bitter experiences actually has a good life and one who has bitter moments more than sweet ones has a bad life. I bet no one has zero bitter or zero sweet moment that’s why we say “No one has perfect life”.

How can you forget your bitter experience?? Answer to this question is as simple as this: erase all bitter memories, replace all bitter experiences with sweet ones, and always remember those moments which make you happy rather than sad.

We have a short life but still we have time to fight, to hate, to ignore, and to do things which hurts other. And when we grow old we realize what have I done? My life could have been better, I shouldn’t have done that, I was so immature, oh!! God can I live my life again as I want to change so many things.

There is no way you can go back in life and start a new beginning but there is always a chance to change yourself and make a new ending. It is in our hand to be loved or to be hated. Though most of the time I was at hated side. Well, I would say “Don’t take life as it comes, just go for a change and try new things, please don’t judge people by their actions rather judge by their situations, and last by not the least love everyone no matters if they love you or hate you as life is too short to judge people before hating or loving."

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