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Valentine Day, 14th February

This is the day, 14th February, when all couples express how much they love their partner. This is the day when all singles wait to see if anyone in this world says the golden words, I love you. This is day when whole world is in romantic mood. Today is the day of Love.

Though it is a Valentine day but for some it is not as they were either rejected or no-one said yes you are the one for me.

For those who are with their lover:
  1. Make sure to express how much you love her/him.
  2. Make sure to go out either to a candle night/romantic dinner or to some place where you can be alone with your partner.
  3. Make sure to surprise your partner by some gifts, roses would be a great idea.
  4. Make sure to express how much you care and how much important is she/he.
  5. Make some promises to her/him.
For those who are still single and myself:
Though Valentine day is 14th February but love can be expressed anyday and anytime.
Just make sure and promise yourself that you will take care and love your partner same way as you did on your first date/day. No matter what happen you will love her/him same way today, tomorrow and every day. Whenever she/he needs anyone to support her/him then you will be first to hold her/him hands. And a promise of not breaking her/his heart and never let her/him cry.

Happy Valentine’s Day

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